Because the simple is the quick

SolutionBased on the concept “Time is of the essence”, we created a website that conveys speed and gives the impression of a modern, forward-looking and committed company. The tagline EVOLVE – INNOVATE – SIMPLIFY recognises SWIPP’s ability to simplify for patients, families and healthcare professionals by developing medicines that are easier to administer. Take a […]
When migraine comes between you and life

SolutionOn alltommigrä you can find everything from expert tips on treatment and prevention, to personal stories from people living with migraine. To generate traffic to the site, we developed a social media campaign based on the concept “Does migraine come between you and life?”. Here we want to highlight the obstacles that migraine can cause […]
Pollenkoll (Pollen check)

AssignmentContent and social media campaign for ALK’s website BackgroundThe pollen season can be very long, especially if you are allergic to several different things. For some, symptoms can even last for most of the year. But once the allergy sets in, it can be difficult to think clearly. ALK’s patient website can be […]
UCD and You

AssignmentTogether with Immedica, we created the website, which is aimed at people with urea cycle disorder and parents who have children with the condition. BackgroundUrea cycle disorder is a rare genetic disorder in which the body cannot get rid of ammonia. When we eat protein, our bodies break down the protein into amino acids, […]
My intrusive friends

AssignmentPatient material designed to prepare those who have difficulty conceiving naturally for the emotional journey often associated with assisted reproduction. The material was produced for Ferring Pharmaceuticals, which is an expert in IVF treatment. Background Today, it is estimated that around 10–15% of all couples wanting to conceive may need help from assisted reproduction to […]
CF Kitchen

AssignmentTo make it easier for people with cystic fibrosis to prepare nutritious and tasty meals. Background Cystic fibrosis is a congenital disorder that affects, among other things, the metabolic system. For people with the condition it is therefore difficult but vital to maintain sufficient nutrition, as they may need more energy than other people. Sometimes, […]
Warning! Cute cats.

Assignment GSK has an online test for people with asthma who are experiencing problems. They asked for a digital campaign to encourage more people to take the test and then speak to their doctor. Background Many people with asthma think their condition is under control – despite experiencing symptoms. Learning more about your asthma increases the […]
Patient leaflets

Assignment To give patients a better understanding of their disease. Background Microscopic colitis is a chronic diarrhoeal disease. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). All three have a significant impact on day-to-day living and quality of life. But treatment is available, and the symptoms can be controlled. Solution The leaflets explain how […]
Everyday tools

Background In the book “Four Letters”, a previous collaboration with TAKEDA (formerly Shire), we produced various everyday tools for adults with ADHD. The target group appreciated the cleaning lists, activity guides and organisation tips, so we decided to take the idea a step further. Solution Two packed boxes – one for children and one for adults – […]
The diabetes kitchen

Assignment Cookbook for people with diabetes, published by Belfrage. Solution In this cookbook you will find recipes for your taste buds and for your blood sugar levels. When our friends at Belfrage came to us with the idea for an inspiring cookbook for people with type 1 and 2 diabetes (and all other types) who want to […]