My intrusive friends
Patient material designed to prepare those who have difficulty conceiving naturally for the emotional journey often associated with assisted reproduction. The material was produced for Ferring Pharmaceuticals, which is an expert in IVF treatment.
Today, it is estimated that around 10–15% of all couples wanting to conceive may need help from assisted reproduction to varying degrees. Trying for a baby with the help of assisted reproduction can be compared to fast-forwarding through all the emotions a person can experience in their lifetime. In addition to all the examinations and tests, your innermost personal thoughts are often also revealed. So who better to explain how this difficult journey works than someone who has already been on it?
Someone who knows what impact longing for a child can have on your emotions is Anna Hansson. She has created a set of characters with personalities based on her experiences: Hope, Statistics and Terror are just a few of her intrusive friends. In order to support, encourage and spark recognition in others in similar situations, we brought all of Anna’s ‘friends’ and emotions together in a leaflet, together with tips and advice from a registered psychologist.

Want to know more?
Sophia André Klingspor
+46 (0)734 320 803