Pollenkoll (Pollen check)

Content and social media campaign for ALK’s website pollenkoll.se.

The pollen season can be very long, especially if you are allergic to several different things. For some, symptoms can even last for most of the year. But once the allergy sets in, it can be difficult to think clearly. ALK’s patient website pollenkoll.se can be a guide to alleviating the symptoms. 

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801

Social media
Pollen allergy can cause several different problems, which in turn make everyday life difficult for those affected. Cancelled plans or missed experiences are not uncommon. With two customised campaigns on Instagram and Facebook, we reminded adults with allergies and parents of children with severe conditions not to let allergies get in the way of life outdoors. Specifically, the childhood and summer that happens outdoors. Each campaign was divided into three phases, with messages customised for before, during and after the season. 

For the website, we produced two educational videos with tips and tricks on what can be done to alleviate the symptoms during the pollen season – and what is important to consider when the allergy starts to subside.  


Följ oss

Relevans är kommunikationsbyrån för läkemedel och hälsorelaterade uppdrag. Vi har över 19 års erfarenhet av allt från receptbelagda preparat till smaksatta glidmedel och näringsrika chiasmoothies. 

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Så mår vårt digitala Sverige 2024

Sverige har aldrig varit mer digitalt än nu, men med ökad digitalisering kommer också nya utmaningar. En ny rapport från Internetstiftelsen kartlägger svenskarnas internetvanor och belyser allt från e-tjänster och sociala medier till näthat och digital övervakning.

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