Recurrent urinary tract infections?

Product website and social media campaign for Canephron, an herbal medicine used to relieve symptoms of recurrent urinary tract infections in women.

The target audience’s interest was captured through films showing the symptoms of recurrent urinary tract infections in a highly recognisable environment: the bathroom. Here, the course of the disease from complaint to solution is presented in a bathroom colour-coordinated to reinforce product recognition. 

With a digital campaign on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, Bionorica wanted to reach women who suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections. The strategy resulted in a retargeting campaign, structured in several different parts to reach the recipient many times in several different channels. A longer commercial was adapted in a teaser, amplify and echo versions, where the clips and messages are based on what the target group has previously seen and reinforce each other. All versions are adapted to the platforms’ requirements and can be viewed both with and without sound. Initially, the ads directed the target group to relevant information and later directly to purchases. 


Canephron mobil
Canephron mobil

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801


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