Solve the head problems of rhinosinusitis
Bionorica commissioned us to create a digital campaign for their herbal medicine Sinuxol.
Bionorica is a German company that has been active in the field of herbal medicines for almost 100 years. They wanted to increase awareness and sales of Sinuxol in pharmacies. The digital strategy focuses on reaching the recipient with different messages at different times. This is made possible by multiple cuts of the advert. These interact depending on which versions the recipient has already seen. The campaign therefore becomes dynamic, constantly giving the recipient new messages and an extra boost to the product.
The concept is based on the realisation of all the main problems associated with sinusitis. Since sinusitis is more than just nasal congestion – which is usually treated with a nasal spray – the campaign wants to show that Sinuxol treats all the main problems – including the pressing headache. The campaign is structured in several different parts and the strategy is to be able to reach the recipient many times in several different channels. The messages reinforce each other and are fully customised to effectively drive traffic to pharmacies and the website.
The campaign drives traffic to the website This site contains everything worth knowing about Sinuxol and sinusitis, as well as information on which pharmacies sell the product.

Tease, amplify, echo
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
The campaign ads were shown on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, with different lengths of viewing time. The strategy is that the receiver sees tease first – as a teaser – and then amplify and echo, where amplify is the long version. Echo serves as a reminder or an invitation to buy or visit
SoMe post
Facebook / Instagram
We created organic posts for Bionorica’s SoMe channels. We combined the main messages of Sinuxol with interesting and necessary facts about rhinosinusitis.

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801