Still the rumbling

Dejunked Chia Smoothie makes it possible for everyone to get on the chia seed bandwagon, without preparation or cooking skills. Relevans has been working with Malmö-based Dejunked since they created their first packaging, and since then we’ve developed a website, packaging design and an overriding communication concept, amongst other things. 

Put simply, Dejunked Chia Smoothie is a snack for adults. The target demographic is broad, and there are many occasions when a snack is just what’s needed. The smoothie is a great replacement for the after-gym banana, a healthy alternative to a sausage roll, or a tasty back-up to have in your bag when you suddenly feel peckish. But whatever the life situation, we all know what it feels like when our tummy rumbles. Based on that simple insight, the “Silence the rumbling” concept was born and now features in all communication

Want to know more? 
Sophia André Klingspor
+46 (0)734 320 803