Throughout the menopause
Product website and social media campaign for Klimadynon, an over-the-counter herbal medicine used to relieve symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and heavy sweating.
A film was developed to create recognition among menopausal women, focusing on portraying a common and recurring condition: hot flushes and sweating that interferes with night-time sleep. To maintain a product-related feel throughout the film, the bedroom was colour-coordinated with the product’s graphic profile.
With a digital campaign on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, Bionorica wanted to reach menopausal women. The strategy ended up in a retargeting campaign, adapted to reach the recipient many times in several different channels. A longer commercial was adapted in a teaser, amplify and echo versions, where the clips and messages reinforce each other and are based on what the target group has previously seen. All adverts are customised for the platforms and can be viewed with or without sound. Initially, the adverts pointed the target group to relevant information and later directly to purchases. More from the campaign can be found at

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Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801