Warning! Cute cats.
GSK has an online test for people with asthma who are experiencing problems. They asked for a digital campaign to encourage more people to take the test and then speak to their doctor.
Many people with asthma think their condition is under control – despite experiencing symptoms. Learning more about your asthma increases the likelihood of you accessing care services, leading to better treatment and management.
Our concept Positiv varning (Positive warning) is based on the following insight: something that may be perceived as positive by most people can have the opposite effect on someone with asthma, e.g. a cute kitten – because an allergy can trigger asthma. A comfy pillow is for the vast majority of people just that – comfy – and something that promises a good night’s sleep. However, a pillow is also full of mites, which can trigger asthma symptoms during the night.
The advertising campaign appeared on Facebook and Instagram and was supplemented with Google Ads. We also produced information material for care services and waiting room posters.
During the active campaign period (1/7/19 to 31/10/19), astmatest.no received over 20,000 visitors, with more than 9,000 initiating a test.

Want to know more?
Sophia André Klingspor
+46 (0)734 320 803